sábado, 19 de julio de 2008

Activity. Unit 8

-What’s your name?
My name’s Isabel Molero.
-What’s your favorite month of the year and why?
I love December because It’s the Christmas month, and it is a time that the families shares together.
-What’s your favorite day of the week? Why?
My favorite day of the week is Friday because I go back to my parents house to spend my weekend with them.
-When’s your birthday?
My birthday is on February 12th.
-When were you born?
I was born in 1991 in Maracaibo-Venezuela.
-How old are you?
I’m 17 years old.

My name’s Isabel but everybody calls me Isa because it is my nickname. My favorite month of the year it’s December because is the Christmas month and it’s a time that the family shares togethers. My favorite day of the week ir Friday because I go back to my parents’ house to spend my weekend with them. My birthday is on February 12th. I was born in 1991 in Maracaibo-Venezuela. I’m 17 years old.

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